Our Progress

The Constellation Trust is a highly inclusive group of schools who cater for the needs of all pupils through a strategic approach to effectively maximise our resources.


The Constellation Trust is a highly inclusive group of schools who cater for the needs of all pupils through a strategic approach to effectively maximise our resources. Our priority is to ensure all pupils achieve their full potential and continue their educational journey beyond Year 11, either in our post-16 provision or along other academic or vocational routes. To allow pupils to be our priority, leaders in our schools are afforded the opportunity to focus entirely on their school development without the unnecessary demands of back-office support. Continual school improvement is key to ensuring we remove as many barriers to pupils making effective progress as we are able.

The success of the recent application to develop a free school in partnership with the East Riding widens our reach to support pupils and allows the development of positive relationships with neighbouring schools.

All schools in our Trust retain their unique identity whilst benefitting from a support network that allows effective sharing of the best practice between schools with a similar context and demographic.

Our Plans for the Future

Trustees, together with the Trust team are ambitious for all schools in our group to continue a journey of sustained improvement. Leaders are never content that their school improvement role is complete; there are always other innovative ways to enhance the opportunities available to learners and improve their experience.

We are also ambitious to continue to grow the Trust, welcoming schools with a similar ethos to ours. Collaboration and partnership play a central role in continual development and self-improvement.

Our Overarching Priorities

  • Investigate the potential of extending the provision of our nurseries to provide access for 2-year-olds
  • Deliver the new free school plan to allow the Alternative Provision to open in the East Riding
  • Explore flexible working opportunities to aid recruitment and retention.
  • Continue our self improvement model

Incorporates additional training in areas like early reading, phonics, and emotional literacy, extending beyond standard requirements.


High accountability for programme quality among senior leaders and trustees.


Trust leaders are committed to the apprenticeship programme’s success.


Ambitious training programme tailored to the needs of trust schools.


Managers consider staff workloads to maintain manageable caseloads.


Tutors use assessments effectively to identify gaps and plan targeted support for apprentices.


Apprentices are highly motivated, keen to learn, and make good progress.


Effective use of expert staff within the trust to deliver high-quality training.


Trust leaders actively engage with school leaders to ensure apprentice support.


Apprentices receive guidance on career progression, with many progressing to further roles within the trust or additional training.


Well-sequenced curriculum aligned with workplace applications.


Comprehensive safeguarding training for apprentices and staff.


Apprentices receive targeted support, including resources and protected time for training.


The Constellation Trust is a highly inclusive group of schools who cater for the needs of all pupils through a strategic approach to effectively maximise our resources.


High retention of apprentices in employment within the trust after completing the programme.


Effective systems for identifying risks and ensuring compliance with the “Prevent” duty.


Enhanced confidence in the workplace, particularly in supporting pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).


Clear understanding of safeguarding responsibilities, with apprentices equipped to identify pupils at risk.


Positive workplace impact, with apprentices improving their support for pupils, particularly those with specific needs.


Tailored functional skills programmes in English and mathematics for recent apprentices.


Rated “Good” across all areas: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and apprenticeships.
